Monday, 17 March 2014

Chillin' at ICEBAR

On an extremely windy Saturday night, there is only one thing worth doing, right? Head to ICEBAR?!
I know, I know, it's crazy to go from cold to freezing (-5ยบ to be precise) but what cooler place for a chilled out evening with friends? And let's face it, you still eat ice cream and to some extent enjoy it more in those colder months.

Just after the main entrance on Heddon Street, we are given a large poncho style coat with large black gloves attached, followed by a ticket entitling us to one free drink at THE icebar. Prepped and ready to explore, only an automatic door separates the main bar from the man made icebox. Going towards the door, I have a Stars in Their Eyes moment ('Tonight Matthew I'm going to be...') and before you know it, in the words of Foreigner, 'the door is closing, you are leaving the world behind' and the words, 'This is so cool!' will have left your soon-to-be quivering lips.
In the ice room, there's a chair made of ice, drinks are being served in ice glasses and of course these are served on the icebar. I can't help but wonder if the barman is warm enough but I guess he probably can't feel the difference anymore. 
I opt for a cocktail called Art Deco, including Absolut blue vodka, kiwi puree and orange juice but as I reach for the glass, I soon realise that my own leopard print gloves just aren't cutting the chill and I finally grab the ones attached to my coat. Attempting to put them on, it becomes apparent that my right glove is on my left side and vice versa but it's too cold to even try to rectify what seems to be a manufacturing error so I cross the gloves over and grab my drink. Thankfully, my chance of slipping and falling head first have been reduced by the sticky floor and the fact that there is a time limit due to popular demand. No time for dignified sipping on that ice-hugged drink then.
Marching orders are soon given and a few quick slurps later, we find ourselves back in the main bar, where the chilled our vibe extends as far as the decor and dress code. Almost anything goes, even nice trainers but no trackkie bottoms

So while the below zero adventure may have been short lived , I can definitely say that ICEBAR is worth seeing, especially if you need somewhere to cool down in the summer. Fingers crossed we get one!

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